Support Groups

PSC has set up a number of support groups in response to feedback about the lack of ongoing support available, and subsequent feelings of isolation experienced by many of our families.

Parent support groups are a great way to meet other parents for practical and emotional support. Groups generally offer:

  • Friendship
  • Opportunities to socialise
  • Information and advice
  • Emotional and moral support
  • A listening ear
  • A regular meeting place

We have the following support groups:

Adopters Support Group: for adoptive parents who are parenting/caring for children who have experienced developmental trauma and/or have special needs.

Community Support Groups: groups in local communities, funded by the People’s Health Trust, for parent/carers of children and young people with additional needs.

Dads and Male Carers Support Group: for birth fathers and male carers (Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers) who are parenting/caring for children who have experienced developmental trauma and/or have special needs.

Kinship Carers Support Group: for family members who are caring for children who cannot be cared for by their birth parents (e.g. Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles, Family Friends).

Post Separation Parenting Support Group: a monthly group for mothers who have separated from their partner after domestic abuse. The child/ren may or may not have special needs. Further details can be found in this flyer: Post Separation Parenting Group.

Save the date: Friday 13th Sept, 11th Oct, 15th Nov, 13th Dec.


“Our children need us to look after ourselves and get the support we need” – Duchess of Cambridge

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