ADHD Service

The ADHD Service offers workshops and courses for all parent/carers who have children or young people of any age who are pre- and post- assessment for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
Please scroll to the bottom of the page for links to our latest events and to sign up to our mailing list.


For Berkshire West:

Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service 

The service provides advice, workshops and courses for children and young people aged 5 to 25 who are autistic or have ADHD, or are waiting for assessment, and their families.

It is a partnership between Autism Berkshire and Parenting Special Children, delivering services on behalf of the Berkshire West NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, which serves the Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire council areas. Please note that you must be registered with a Berkshire West NHS GP surgery to be supported by this service.

You can check your GP surgery here: Berkshire West GP surgeries

You can contact the service in the following ways:

  • Parent/Carers: See currently available events here (scroll down the page), make an enquiry using this online form (choose the ‘General Enquiries’ tab) or call PSC’s Helpline on 0118 9863532
  • Professionals: The best way to make a referral to the ADHD Service is to use this online form (choose the ‘Professional Enquiries’ tab) or call PSC’s Helpline on 0118 9863532


For Berkshire East:

GEMS Autism and ADHD Support Service East Berkshire

GEMS is being delivered by Solutions 4 Health and is commissioned by NHS East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Bracknell Forest Council, which serves Bracknell Forest, Slough, Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead. The events offer support not just for those who are diagnosed, but for those who may have Autism and/or ADHD and for the family. Please note that you must be registered with a Berkshire East NHS GP surgery, or live in the area, to be supported by this service.

You can check your GP surgery here: Berkshire East GP surgeries

This service also provides events for children and young people with ADHD and/or Autism. Please see the GEMS website.

You can contact the service in the following ways:

  • Parent/Carers: See currently available events here (scroll down the page), make an enquiry using this online form (choose the ‘General Enquiries’ tab) or call PSC’s Helpline on 0118 9863532
  • Professionals: The best way to make a referral to the ADHD Service is to use this online form (choose the ‘Professional Enquiries’ tab) or call PSC’s Helpline on 0118 9863532


For Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire

Subject to funding, we are widening our geographical reach to offer parent/carers in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and surrounding areas* our popular and much needed ADHD courses. The online course is held over 3 evenings with each session 2 hours in length.
*excluding Berkshire where we are already offering NHS funded ADHD courses (see above).

Topics Covered Include:
– Week 1: Introduction to ADHD: What is ADHD? Challenges & Concerns, Strengths and Opportunities, Signposting to Support
– Week 2: ADHD and Anxiety: What is Anxiety? What is the relationship between ADHD and Anxiety, Coping Strategies for children/young people and parents/carers
– Week 3: ADHD and Behaviour: Attention Deficit Behaviours, Hyperactive Behaviours, Impulsive Behaviours, Behaviour Management Strategies
– Questions & Answers
– Opportunity to talk to other parents and carers
– Facilitators with lived experience of ADHD

You can contact the service in the following ways:

  • Parent/Carers: See currently available events here (scroll down the page), make an enquiry using this online form (choose the ‘General Enquiries’ tab) or call PSC’s Helpline on 0118 9863532
  • Professionals: The best way to make a referral to the ADHD Service is to use this online form (choose the ‘Professional Enquiries’ tab) or call PSC’s Helpline on 0118 9863532


GP ADHD Training Programme

Parenting Special Children families were delighted to be part of the exciting work that Nottingham University did on a GP ADHD training programme which has recently been accredited by the Royal College of GPs. You can view the programme via this link.


PSC ADHD Podcasts in association with ACAMH

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